Our mission

More sustainable urban futures are urgently required and the widespread diffusion of digital and smart technologies offers the opportunity to develop new approaches to urban sustainability enhancement. Capturing the sustainability potential embedded in technological developments, however, requires radical transformations in the way we study, govern, and organize our urban environments. 

The mission of Unity Lab - the Urban Innovation Policy Lab of Edinburgh Napier University - is to provide urban development actors worldwide with the evidence base required to manage these complex urban transformations and to ensure that digital and smart technologies become a tool for boosting sustainable urban development and public value creation.

With multidisciplinary research that unites urban science to technology and innovation studies, we contribute to advancing theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of urban innovation, in particular smart city transitions.

Innovation thinking, technological development, and science to build more sustainable urban futures

Some of our work

Our numbers


Our years of relevant professional and academic experience  in urban innovation and smart city transitions


  Collaborations that we have activated  with public, private, and civil society organizations worldwide


Income that we have contributed to generating through our research and consultancy activity

Contact us


Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School, 219 Colinton Road, EH14 1DJ Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

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