Meet the team

Unity Lab is represented by a multidisciplinary team of researchers whose shared goal is to produce new insight into how different types of stakeholders collaborate in formulating strategies for supporting the transformational changes enabling smart city transitions. Our expertise span across a multitude of knowledge domains that connect social sciences to engineering and technology disciplines. Examples of subject domains in which the Lab has been operating include urban and innovation studies, organization studies, sociology, information systems, public management, governance studies, and psychology, just to name a few.



Professor of Urban Innovation @ Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School

Head of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Department @ Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School

Professor of Urban Innovation @ Tallinn University of Technology, Academy of Architecture and Urban Studies & FinEst Centre for Smart Cities

Deputy Director

Associate Professor in Digital Entrepreneurship and Innovation @ Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School

Senior Research Associates

Lecturer in Public Sector Innovation @ Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School

Lecturer in Digital Transformation @ Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School

Lecturer in Urban Innovation @ Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School

Lecturer in Digital Entrepreneurship and Innovation @ Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School

Lecturer in Public Administration @ Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School

Lecturer in Urban Innovation @ Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School

Visiting scholars

Visiting Associate Professor in Geography of Innovation @ Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School

Assistant Professor of Economic Policy @ University of Ferrara, Department of Economics and Management

Dr Emilio Costales

Visiting Lecturer in Smart City Development @ Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School

Lecturer in Business @ University of Greenwich

Visiting Doctoral Student in Place-Based Smart City Development @ Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School

Doctoral Student @ University of Milan-Bicocca

Visiting Doctoral Student in Smart City Development @ Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School

Doctoral Student @ University of Turin

Doctoral Student @ Tallinn University of Technology

Visiting Doctoral Student in Sustainability and Environmental Economics @ Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School

Doctoral Student @ University of Ferrara

Visiting Doctoral Student in Technology Management @ Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School

Doctoral Student @ National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Institute of Technology Management

Research Associates

Doctoral Student @ Tallinn University of Technology, Academy of Architecture and Urban Studies & FinEst Centre for Smart Cities

Research Associate @ Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School

Doctoral Student @ Tallinn University of Technology, Academy of Architecture and Urban Studies & FinEst Centre for Smart Cities

Research Associate @ Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School

Doctoral Student @ Tallinn University of Technology, Academy of Architecture

Research Associate @ Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School

Doctoral Student @ University of Salerno, Department of Economic and Statistical Sciences

Research Associate @ Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School

Doctoral Student @ Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School

Research Associate @ Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School

Doctoral Student @ Tallinn University of Technology, Academy of Architecture

Research Associate @ Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School

Doctoral Student @ Tallinn University of Technology, Academy of Architecture and Urban Studies & FinEst Centre for Smart Cities

Research Associate @ Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School

Mie Weile

Doctoral Student & Programme Director @ DTU - Technical University of Denmark

Research Associate @ Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School

Lecturer in Information Systems @ The University of Sheffield

Contact us


Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School, 219 Colinton Road, EH14 1DJ Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

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