
The team of researchers at Unity Lab has developed a track-record of publishing in top academic journals, and this publication output has been complemented with numerous non academic publications, such as technical reports and policy papers commissioned by governmental and intergovernmental organizations. Examples of organizations include the Development of Latin America, European Commission, and United Nations.


2022 (Edited book)

Sustainable Smart City Transitions: Theoretical Foundations, Sociotechnical Assemblage and Governance Mechanisms

Mora, L., Deakin, M., Zhang, X., Batty, M., De Jong, M., Santi, P., Appio, F. P.

Routledge, New York City

2022 (Journal article)

The Hidden Power of Emotions: How Psychological Factors Influence Skill Development in Smart Technology Adoption  

Gerli, P., Clement, J., Esposito, G., Mora, L., Crutzen, N.

Technological Forecasting and Social Change

2022 (Journal article)

Digital Meets Smart: Towards a Technology-Enhanced Approach to Smart Specialisation Strategy Development

Mora, L., Panori, N., Deakin, M., Ortega-Argiles, R.

Regional Studies

2022 (UN Report)

Global Review of Smart City Governance Practices

Beckers, D., Gerli, P., Mora, L., Thabit, S., Tonnarelli, F.

United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), Nairobi

2022 (UN Report)

Science, Technology, and Innovation for Sustainable Urban Development in a Post-COVID World

Zhang, L., Mora, L., Hasannudin, S., Akgun, E., Zhang, J., Godunova, M.

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Geneva

2021 (Journal article)

Assembling Sustainable Smart City Transitions: An Interdisciplinary Theoretical Perspective

Mora, L., Deakin, M., Zhang, X., Batty, M., De Jong, M., Santi, P., Appio, F. P.

Journal of Urban Technology

2021 (Journal article)

Not Everything is as it Seems: Digital Technology Affordance, Pandemic Control, and the Mediating Role of Sociomaterial Arrangements

Mora, L., Kummitha, R.K.R., Esposito, G.

Government Information Quarterly

2021 (Journal article)

Beyond contact-tracing: The public value of eHealth application in a pandemic

Gerli, P., Arakpogun, E.O., Elsahn, Z., Olan, F., Prime, K.S.

Government Information Quarterly

2021 (Journal article)

State-steered smartmentality in Chinese smart urbanism

Zhang, O., Bates, J., Abbott, P.

Urban Studies

2021 (Journal article)

Value co-creation in industrial AI: The interactive role of B2B supplier, customer and technology provider

Li, S., Peng, G., Xing, F., Zhang, J., Zhang, B.

Industrial Marketing Management

2021 (Journal article)

Towards High Impact Smart Cities: a Universal Architecture Based on Connected Intelligence Spaces

Komninos, N., Kakderi, C., Mora, L., Panori, A., Sefertzi, E.

Journal of the Knowledge Economy

2021 (Journal article)

Shaping a Smart Transportation System for Sustainable Value Co-Creation

Zhang, J., Li, S., Wang, Y.

Information Systems Frontiers

2021 (Journal article)

The Multilevel Governance of State Aid for Broadband Diffusion: Evidence from Three European Countries

Gerli, P., Navio-Marco, J., Whalley, J.

International Journal of Public Administration

2021 (Journal article)

Municipal 5G bans during the Covid-19 pandemic: the case of Italy

Gerli, P.

Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance

2021 (Journal article)

An Architecture for IoT-Enabled Smart Transportation Security System: A Geospatial Approach

Zhang, J., Wang, Y., Li, S., Shi, S.

IEEE Internet of Things Journal

2021 (Book chapter)

Music Copyright, Creators and Fans: Enemies or Friends in the Digital Domain?

Oliver, P., Lalchev, S.

The Present and Future of Music Law. Bloomsbury, New York City.

2020 (Journal article)

Mind the Gap: Developments in Autonomous Driving Research and the Sustainability Challenge

Mora, L., Xinyi, W., Panori, A.

Journal of Cleaner Production

2020 (Journal article)

Smart Systems of Innovation for Smart Places: Challenges in Deploying Digital Platforms for Co-Creation and Data-Intelligence

Panori, A., Kakderi, C., Komninos, N., Fellnhofer, K., Reid, A., Mora, L.

Land Use Policy

2020 (Journal article)

The rising importance of the "Smart territory" concept: definition and implications

Navío-Marco, J., Rodrigo-Moya, B., Gerli, P.

Land Use Policy

2020 (Journal article)

The Strategic, Organizational, and Entrepreneurial Evolution of Smart Cities

Schiavone, F., Appio, F.P., Mora, L., Risitano, M.

International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal

2020 (Journal article)

Digital contact-tracing and pandemics: Institutional and technological preparedness in Africa

Arakpogun, E.O., Elsahn, Z., Prime, K.S., Gerli, P., Olan, F.

World Development

2020 (Journal article)

Infrastructure Provision on the Margins: An Assessment of Broadband Delivery UK

Gerli, P., Matteucci, N., Whalley, J.

International Journal of Public Administration

2020 (Journal article)

Supporting urban consolidation centres with urban freight transport policies: a comparative study of Scotland and Sweden

Akgün, EZ., Monios, J., Fonzone, A.

International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications

2020 (Book chapter)

The Role of Contests and Talent Shows as Part of the Artist Development Process Within the Music Industry

Lalchev, S., Oliver, P.

Innovation in Music: Future Opportunities. Routledge, New York City.

2019 (Journal article)

Strategic Principles for Smart City Development: A Multiple Case Study Analysis of European Best Practices

Mora, L., Deakin, M., Reid, A.

Technological Forecasting and Social Change

2019 (Journal article)

Combining Co-Citation Clustering and Text-Based Analysis to Reveal the Main Development Paths of Smart Cities

Mora, L., Deakin, M., Reid, A.

Technological Forecasting and Social Change

2019 (Journal article)

Developing Synergies Between Social Entrepreneurship and Urban Planning

Angelidou, M., Mora, L.

disP - The Planning Review

2019 (Journal article)

How to Overcome the Dichotomous Nature of Smart City Research: Proposed Methodology and Results of a Pilot Study

Mora, L., Deakin, M., Reid, A., Angelidou, M.

Journal of Urban Technology

2019 (Journal article)

Influences on urban freight transport policy choice by local authorities

Akgün, E.Z., Monios, J., Rye, T., Fonzone, A.

Transport Policy

2019 (Journal article)

The Advent of Practice Theories in Research on Sustainable Consumption: Past, Current and Future Directions of the Field

Corsini, F., Laurenti, R., Meinherz, F., Appio, F., Mora, L.


2019 (Journal article)

Exploring Current Trends in Scientific Research on Smart Specialisation

Mora, L., Deakin, M., Reid, A.

Scienze Regionali: The Italian Journal of Regional Science

2019 (Book chapter)

Smart City Development: ICT Innovation for Urban Sustainability

Mora, L., Deakin, M., Aina, Y. A., Appio, F. P.

Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Sustainable Cities and Communities. Springer, Cham.

2019 (Book chapter)

Exploring the Relationship between Smart Cities and Spatial Planning: Star Cases and Typologies

Angelidou, M., Mora, L.

Smart Cities in the Post-algorithmic Era: Integrating Technologies, Platforms and Governance. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham.

2019 (Book chapter)

The Current Status of Smart City Research: Exposing the Division

Angelidou, M., Mora, L.

Smart Cities in the Post-algorithmic Era: Integrating Technologies, Platforms and Governance. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham.

2019 (Project report)

 Increasing Offsite Housing Construction in Scotland: An Evidence Base to Support New Policy and Systems

Deakin, M., Mora, L., Reid, A., Hairstans, R., Duncheva, T., Calcagno, C., Smith, M., Smith, P., Lang, V. 

Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise, Construction Scotland Innovation Centre

2018 (Journal article)

The involvement of utilities in the development of broadband infrastructure: A comparison of EU case studies

Gerli, P., Van der Wee, M., Verbrugge, S., Whalley, J.

Telecommunications Policy

2018 (Book chapter)

Smart-City Development Paths: Insights from the First Two Decades of Research

Mora, L., Deakin, M., Reid, A.

Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions: Results of SSPCR 2017. Springer, Cham

2018 (Book chapter)

Institutional Influences on the Development of Urban Freight Transport Policies by Local Authorities

Akgün, E.Z., Monios, J.

Advances in Transport Policy and Planning. Elsevier, New York City

2018 (Conference paper)

Online Platforms for Smart Specialisation Strategies and Smart Growth

Panori, A., Angelidou, M., Mora, L., Reid, A., Sefertzi, E.

Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the Greek Society of Regional Scientists. European Regional Science Association, Louvain-la-Neuve

2018 (Conference paper)

The Research and Innovation of Smart Specialisation Strategies: The Transition from the Triple to Quadruple Helix

Deakin, M., Mora, L., Reid, A.

Proceedings of the 27th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development. Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency, Varazdin

2018 (Conference paper)

Stylized Facts on Smart Specialisation Research

Deakin, M., Mora, L., Reid, A.

Proceedings of the 27th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development. Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency, Varazdin

2018 (Project report)

Intelligence and Co-creation in Smart Specialisation Strategies: Towards the Next Stage of RIS3

Komninos, N., Kakderi, C., Panori, A., Garcia, E., Fellnhofer, K., Reid, A., Cvijanović, V., Roman, M., Deakin, M., Mora, L., Reid, A.

European Commission

2018 (Project report)

Online S3 Mechanism for Knowledge-Based Policy Advice

Komninos, N., Panori, A., Kakderi, C., Reid, A., Cvijanović, V., Roman, M.,  Deakin, M., Mora, L., Tiemann, M., Badii, L.

European Commission

2018 (Project report)

Online S3 Open Consultation and Workshops: Specifications from the Users

Deakin, M., Reid, A., Mora, L.

European Commission

2017 (Journal article)

The First Two Decades of Smart-City Research: A Bibliometric Analysis

Mora, L., Bolici, R., Deakin, M

Journal of Urban Technology

2017 (Journal article)

Infrastructure investment on the margins of the market: The role of niche infrastructure providers in the UK

Gerli, P., Wainwright, D., Whalley, J.

Telecommunications Policy

2017 (Conference paper)

Smart Specialisation Strategies in the Post-Linear Era on Research and Innovation

Deakin, M., Mora, L., Reid, A.

Proccedings of the 10th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Regional Development (ICEIRD)

2016 (Book chapters)

The Development Process of Smart City Strategies: The Case of Barcelona

Mora, L., Bolici, R.

Re-City: Future City - Combining Disciplines. Juvenes Print, Tampere 

2015 (Journal article)

Urban Regeneration in the Digital Era: How to Develop Smart City Strategies in Large European cities

Bolici, R., Mora, L.

TECHNE - Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment

2015 (Book chapter)

How to Become a Smart City: Learning from Amsterdam

Mora, L., Bolici, R.

Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions: Results of SSPCR 2015. Springer, Cham

Editorial activity: our special issues


2021 - 2023 (Special issue)

Accountability for a Connected Society: The Unaccounted Effects of Digital Transformations

Grossi, G., Mora, L., Argento, D., Dobija, D., Marrone, M.

Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 

2021 - 2023 (Special issue)

Twin Transitions: Unravelling the Interplay Between Green and Digital in Sociotechnical Transformation Processes

Gerli, P., Mora, L., Ferraris, A., Dabić, M.

Technology in Society

2019 - 2023 (Special issue)

Boosting Urban Sustainability through Organizing Collaborative Ecosystems for Smart City Development

Mora, L., Appio, F., Foss, N. J., Arellano Gault, D., Zhang, X.

Organization Studies

2019 - 2022 (Special issue)

Towards a Technology-enabled Approach to Smart Specialisation Development

Mora, L., Panori, A., Deakin, M., Ortega-Argiles, R.

Regional Studies

2019 - 2022 (Special issue)

Strategies to reach convergence: A multiple perspectives assessment

Appio, F., Lee, S., Bröring, S., Nathalie, S., Mora, L.

IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 

2018 - 2021 (Special issue)

Assembling Sustainable Smart City Transitions

Mora, L., Deakin, M., Zhang, X., Batty, M., De Jong, M., Santi, P., Appio, F.

Journal of Urban Technology

2018 - 2020 (Special issue)

The Strategic, Organizational, and Entrepreneurial Evolution of Smart Cities

Schiavone, F., Appio, F., Mora, L., Risitano, M.

International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal

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