Professor Dr Luca Mora


Luca is Professor of Urban Innovation and Head of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Subject Group at The Business School of Edinburgh Napier University. In addition, he has also been appointed Professor of Urban Innovation at the Academy of Architecture of Urban Studies of Tallinn University of Technology. 

His work has been published in top academic journals, such as Journal of Urban Technology, Journal of Cleaner Production, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Cities, Government Information Quarterly, Technovation, Organization Studies, and Regional Studies. 

Luca has also contributed to generating more than €40 million through research and consultancy projects, mainly supported via European funding schemes (7FP, H2020, EAFRD), and he has worked as an academic consultant for the European Commission, United Nations, and Development Bank of Latin America. 

Luca serves on the editorial board of Journal of Urban Technology and is Associate Editor for Technological Forecasting and Social Change and IET Smart Cities. In addition, he has been invited to edit Special Issues on the governance of smart city projects for Organization Studies, Regional Studies, Journal of Urban Technology, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, and International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal.


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Edinburgh Napier University, The Business School, 219 Colinton Road, EH14 1DJ Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

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